January 26, 2018

Delicious Bacon Fiesta Sunrise Breakfast with Farmer John All Natural Bacon

Bacon Fiesta Sunrise


Breakfast used to be my favorite meal of the day. That is, until I stopped eating gluten. And ya’ll know I don’t eat dairy either because I’m allergic to casein. While I can eat goat’s milk, it’s not widely available and sometimes it is mixed with cow’s milk.

Suddenly breakfast became the most unfriendly meal of the day for me. Breakfast menus became a puzzle to find anything besides oatmeal, plain eggs and bacon that I could safely eat.

That’s when I discovered my new breakfast jam, Southwestern inspired breakfasts, hold the cheese. Latin-style breakfasts feature eggs, bacon, salsa, pico de gallo and Mexican cheeses (which I will sometimes eat as I find they don’t cause my tummy much upset).

I finally found my breakfast refuge! I’ve always gravitated towards anything spicy with bold, complex flavors.

If your tastebuds enjoy a pop of flavor in the morning, if you crave hashbrowns and avocado, this breakfast is for you!

Bacon Fiesta Sunrise Recipe

I crafted this entire breakfast around my bacon obsession, Farmer John All-Natural Bacon.

It’s my favorite for many reasons: no nitrates, as it’s natural. It’s thick cut and it tastes divine!


Pico de Gallo


Start by preheating oven to 400 degrees. Place bacon on a baking sheet covered in aluminum foil. Bake for 12-14 minutes or until crispy.  Remove from oven and place bacon on a plate covered in paper towels to remove grease.

Next Make the Pico de Gallo.

Rinse all produce. Cut tomatoes in half and remove core (seeds, etc). Chop tomatoes into small squares. Chop onion into small pieces. Mince 3 cloves of garlic. Mince 2 tablespoons of cilantro.  Zest lime and then juice 1/2 lime.

You can add more, to your taste. Salt and pepper to your taste as well!

Set aside.

Grate 1 potato to make the hashbrown cake. If making more than one potato hashbrown grate them one at a time as they will start to discolor quickly.

Heat olive oil in a frying pan. When oil is hot enough to sizzle when food touches the pan, add potatoes. Using a spatula, press grated potatoes down to make a cake. Season with salt, pepper and garlic powder.

After 2-3 minutes when the cake starts to brown, flip hashbrowns over. Remove after another 2-3 minutes. Place the hashbrown cake on a plate covered with a paper towel to remove oil.

Next, heat up another frying pan until warm. Crack open one to two eggs per Sunrise. Cover with a lid and cook for 2-3 minutes, making sure not to overcook so the yoke is runny.

While eggs cook, cut avocado in half and remove core. Slice avocado into pieces.

It’s time to assemble this gorgeous breakfast!

First, place the hashbrown Cake on your plate. Top with eggs, avocado and Pico de Gallo.  Optional: add extra cilantro to the top and Mexican crumbly cheese.

I made this breakfast for my husband last weekend to watch the NFL Championship games and he was in heaven!  He promptly asked for this to be a tradition every weekend.  I’m still thinking about it!

I also made him hot chocolate with a snowman marshmallow since he’s my valentine and lovessssss hot chocolate!

Tell me what you think of this recipe in the comments!

*This post is sponsored by Farmer John.  All views, opinions, recipes and photos are my own.  As always, I only partner with brands that I love!

7 responses to “Delicious Bacon Fiesta Sunrise Breakfast with Farmer John All Natural Bacon”

  1. Julie Hamilton (Life Builders) says:

    Looks so good! I am going to try this!

  2. Brittney Barone says:

    Bacon is life!!! haha I will definitely be making this!

  3. Elle says:

    I’ve only eaten vegetarian bacon. I’m sure it doesn’t taste the same, but I believe I can substitute veggie bacon within this recipe.

  4. Meagan Emmons says:

    I love making breakfast meals for dinner and this is definitely going on my list to make soon! Yum!!

  5. Van Cast says:

    Totally yummy! and easy to cook. I love it ♥

  6. ClaireC. says:

    Mmmm this looks delicious! I don’t like bacon but totally going to make for my hubby!