July 3, 2018

Our Incredible Time at the Incredibles 2 Premiere!

*This is a sponsored post in partnership with Kleenex® brand. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Kleenex® brand.

We attended the premiere of Disney•Pixar’s Incredibles 2 and it was absolutely awesome! Every aspect of the evening – the food, entertainment and movie – were truly amazing. Can’t wait to share it with you!

Harper and Grayson are huge fans of The Incredibles. Every Friday, our family hosts a movie night, and we let the kids pick the weekly movie. The Incredibles has long been a favorite, probably because both kids can identify with the two kids in the movie.

When we received our invitation, I knew the kids were going to be as excited as I was! I waited to tell them until a commercial for the movie came on.

Harper said, “Mommy, look! It’s the new Incredibles movie! Can we please go and see that?” Followed quickly by Grayson jumping up from his seat and saying, “Yes, yes, please, Mommy?” I paused the commercial and said, “Guess what? We are going to see the movie at its worldwide premiere and walk the red carpet!” Both kids excitedly yelled “YAY!” and came over to hug me.

Ever since we started twinning over three years ago, fashion has played a big role in our family. As you can imagine, finding the perfect premiere outfit was an exciting part of our preparation. The big question– what color scheme should we go with? The characters wear outfits made of red, black and yellow, but the carpet at movie premieres is almost always red. So, that’s a color you generally want to avoid wearing to a premiere.

We chose a light blue to highlight special edition Kleenex® Trusted Care® Tissue featuring Disney•Pixar’s Incredibles 2, and to stand out from the character backdrops and the red carpet. It’s also a huge color this summer, particularly teal blue. I added suspenders to Grayson’s outfit to give it some old-world charm.

Now that we were dressed, we were ready to party! My mom joined us for the occasion as she loves spending time with the kids and is our usual companion for big events. We set off for the El Capitan Theatre. El Capitan is located at the famous Hollywood and Highland intersection, flanked by the Walk of Fame. The old-Hollywood theatre makes watching a kids movie a glamorous occasion.

As we pulled up to the premiere, we noticed Hollywood Boulevard was closed for the event. Huge white tents occupied the road instead of cars. It looked like a grand festival, but we had no idea just how incredible it was inside!

We picked up our tickets and met our escort, who ensured we had behind-the-scenes access to every aspect of the premiere. We walked the incredibly long red carpet, decorated with images from the movie. We posed for pictures with our Incredibles 2 masks pulled from our special edition Kleenex® Trusted Care® Tissue boxes. Everyone kept stopping us asking where they could find our cool masks and colorful boxes.

After pictures, we were greeted by Incredibles 2 characters on stilts performing tricks. The kids loved them! They also really enjoyed the woman holding a moving balloon version of the Incredibles 2 baby Jack-Jack, who (spoiler alert!) is a huge highlight of the movie.

Then it was time to eat. We were treated to Chinese salad, corn dogs, quinoa with mixed veggies, macaroni and cheese, veggies with ranch and several other delicious foods. The dessert spread filled with cookies, cupcakes, cookies and caramel apples.

Our excitement continued to build as we walked into the theater. I handed over my phone—no spoilers allowed! We grabbed our popcorn and found our seats, the energy inside the theater was palpable. After a few minutes, the lights dimmed and cheers erupted.

As the opening credits rolled, the audience continued clapping for the production company and broke into thunderous applause once the movie title was shown. This is why movie premieres are so much fun. It’s amazing to see the actors, crew and everyone behind-the-scenes in the same place, finally viewing the movie they worked so hard to create.

Everyone loved the movie, and really got into the action scenes. Both kids took turns cheering, gasping and laughing as they reacted different scenes.

When the movie ended, there was more thunderous applause and everyone started sharing their favorite moments. Both kids then asked to go see it again, so I guess I know where we’ll be next weekend!

I love when my kids experience cool things like this. I know these are moments they’ll remember forever. HUGE thank you to Kleenex® brand for making it happen!

If your kids love Disney just as much as mine do, be sure to stock up on Kleenex® Trusted Care® Tissues featuring Incredibles 2 designs. They’re so fun. As I mentioned, the box features a tear-off hero mask so your kiddo can unmask their incredible just like their favorite characters! They’re hitting stores nationwide this… but if you’d rather shop from home click here!

Already looking forward to our family’s next red carpet event!

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