October 24, 2019

How To Overcome Fear As An Entrepreneur

How to overcome fear as an entrepreneur

I have a SERIOUS QUESTION for YOU! 👀 Is there something you’ve ALWAYS WANTED to pursue, but for whatever reason haven’t yet?
FEAR is a MONSTER. Fear holds us back from living our best life. I know that fear. I went to law school because I had been told since I was a young child I can out debate anyone & “am a natural lawyer” & “should really go to law school”
The crazy thing is I NEVER ACTUALLY PICTURED MYSELF in a court room or sitting behind a desk, writing & researching all day. I spent three years, the hardest three years of my life, working so hard on something that wasn’t even what I REALLY wanted to do
I’m not saying my legal background hasn’t helped me. It totally has. Give me any question & I will respond “it depends” (okay lawyer joke there 😝) and can argue both sides. Then I thought I would want to be a judge
I externed for a federal judge & while I loved working for him I HATED writing from a neutral position. Every time I started typing I would start advocating one side or the other. I just cannot take a neutral stance of facts!
It took me a long & winding road to starting Club MomMe. It felt like WAY more than four years from when I founded it to when I sold it & then worked for the company who acquired it
And then yet again, I was starting over. BUT I HAD THIS BURNING PASSION INSIDE that just HAD to get out. What I’m doing now is the most “me” thing I’ve ever done. I love dressing up, wearing tutus & slut dresses & traveling 😝
What is it YOU LOVE TO DO?! What’s YOUR inner burning passion that is just itching to get out? You don’t need a business plan & a ton of money to start. You just need to decide to do it. Really, it’s that simple. You commit. You do something small, really anything and then… like magic, you’re DOING IT!!
Don’t let fear & excuses (no time, no money, no energy, etc) stop you. Trust me, people just like YOU in exactly YOUR SHOES have done it. Why can’t you?!
Being here @beachesresorts at #socialmediaonthesand surrounded by incredible creators is just another reminder that if I can do it, YOU CAN TOO! #beachesmoms

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