December 28, 2015

Eating Out with Kids at the All-New CPK

I am in love with the new menu at CPK!

The pizza chain that reinvented pizza with its bbq-chicken pizza is at again, this time updated for 2016.

Think an open-style kitchen, a drink menu to match any trendy spot, and high-end items like perfectly-cooked fish.

Our night started off with the new drink menu.  As we were driving to CPK, my sister was extolling the virtues of whiskey.  I quietly laughed at her speech, as whiskey reminds me of old men and that characteristic whiskey breath you can smell a mile away.

Then we look at the menu, and the first thing that popped out at me is a ginger mash-up with simple syrup, blueberries, ginger beer and yes whiskey.  I was nervous but we ordered three.  This was a girl’s night out, plus my two kids, after all.

The drinks came and I was blown away.  With that one drink I am now a converted whiskey drinker because I LOVE anything ginger.

Next came the bread.  Often overlooked, and even eliminated from many menus in LA, I love bread.  A harder, crusty outside and soft warm dough on the inside, how could you not like bread? Unless you are gluten-free, then I get it.  Their bread was kicked up a notch with delish extra virgin olive oil with spices, one of my favorite things on earth.

I also love bread as a mom because it keeps my kids occupied and happy.  Just ask your kid to cut bread and dish it out to everyone at the table.  That will buy you at least 5-10 minutes of happy conversation.

We split a salad, pizza and a new entree.  Our salad was ginormous.  We selected the thai crunch.  It was packed with veggies, had yummy chicken, lots of crunch, and a delicious peanut-dressing.  They definitely know their Asian-flavors at CPK.  I often judge a restaurant on their peanut sauce, and this one, well it was heavenly.

Even with three adults, we had plenty of salad leftover for my husband.

Our pizza was a little slice of heaven.  If you have never had mushrooms on a pizza, I highly suggest it.  Roasted mushrooms melt in your mouth along with white cheese on a light, hand-tossed crust.  I tried to only eat one slice.  That plan didn’t work so well.

Next up was our hearth-roasted halibut.  It was cooked perfectly, light and flaky.  To be honest, I was blown away.  It came with butternut squash with faro, which if you have never had the pair is kind of like a healthy mac and cheese for adults.  It was rounded out by grilled asparagus, my favorite veggie.

This Halibut is a must-order.  When I posted a pic on instagram, one person said she craves this dish once-a-week.  Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.

The kids split two items from the kid’s menu, mac and cheese and pizza.  So experimental on their part, right? But it’s what they like.  The mac and cheese is a spiral rotini and has a bechamel sauce that looks basic but tastes super rich and luscious.  You will eat some of their mac and cheese.  Ugh, I never believed parents when they mentioned they had this habit, but it is true!

For dessert (I know, I have NO idea how we ate even more food after all of that.  But we ate every last bite because we had…a butter cake.  I know, I had never heard of a butter cake before.  Now I don’t know why anyone eats anything but butter cakes.  They are nice and toasty on the outside and gooey on the inside.

CPK is a winner because it has something for everyone, and always makes kids happy.  From your parents to kids, those who are gluten-free and don’t want pizza, there is something for everyone at the new CPK.  Even drinks for those meals when your kids don’t feel like sitting and coloring in the lines.  Those sure do come in handy!

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