July 6, 2016

Free Ride with Me + Ergobaby at Soul Cycle DTLA

ERGO BABY INVITE DTLA Come ride with me + my friends at Ergobaby at Soul Cycle in Downtown LA!

Getting back in shape after having a baby is HARD! Really hard. For me the hardest challenge is finding the time to work out in between being a mom of two, a wife, daughter, friend, oh and building empires over here.

That’s why I LOVE Soul Cycle.  I took my first ride last summer and I’ve been hooked ever since.  They call it a cardio party on a bike, and it’s the most fun you will ever have while dripping sweat and burning tons of calories.

Now I know what you are thinking, I can’t!  It’s going to be too hard.  Trust me, I thought that too.  But I went to my first class, and learned I have been spinning in poor form for 15+ years, and someone showed me how to properly adjust my bike.  Then the class started, and I was nervous.

But this class is NOT a competition.  You do what you can do on that day.  It’s all about the collective room and what we can all do together at that time.  You lift up your neighbors, and on days where you are tired, your friends give you strength and energy, right?  Same in this class.

Plus the music is pumping and there’s something magical that happens in that room, I don’t know what it is, but you just leave feeling good.  Like you can do anything.  Maybe climb Everest (why you would want to do that, I don’t know).  But you could.  Maybe 🙂

Join me and my friends at Ergobaby on July 20th at 11 am in Downtown LA.  RSVP soon, spots will fill up fast!  And there will be surprise treats!



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