July 10, 2017

Minion-Themed Dollie & Me Picnic Tea Party

This post is sponsored by Bounty.

Summertime for my family involves adventures outdoors.  We love to come up with fun, unique activities.

Right now Harper is obsessed with tea parties.  It melts my heart because I remember absolutely LOVING tea parties with my mama as a kid.  Each morning, Harper comes into my room, takes the water from my side table, and pours it into a tea cup.  She does the same for herself and says mama, time for our tea party.

Harper is also loving playing with her dolls right now.  My sister just have her a baby basket she had as a baby, and Harper carries a doll or two in it, pretending they are her babies.

So I thought, let’s do a picnic tea party with her dollies!

We just saw Despicable Me 3 last week, and both Harper and Grayson find the Minions to be so funny.  I thought Minions would add a fun and playful element to our picnic, since we are including dollies, after all!

So, I ordered Minion mylar balloons and matching colorful balloons and picked up a small helium tank. I also found the cutest napkins with Minions on them, from the new Bounty with Despicable Me 3 prints which are in stores for a limited time.

I don’t know about your kids, but mine can be SO MESSY!  Sometimes the two of them creates mini hurricanes of messes around the house, especially now that Harper is 3 and insists on doing everything by herself.

That means every single tea cup MUST be filled by her.  Which also means there will be lots of messes to clean up.  I literally leave napkins in my purse and car, in my coffee table and side of my bed because where there are my kids, there will be spills.  Bounty paper towels and quilted napkins make clean-up quick and easy!

For our setup we used:

You can also bring real food for you and your kids too!

Keep the celebration going and be sure to check out Despicable Me 3 in theaters now. Rated PG, the film is great for the whole family.

Bello!  Hope you enjoyed this post that was sponsored by Bounty with Despicable Me 3 prints.  All views reflected in this post are my own, and I only collaborate with brands that I truly love.

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