March 23, 2020

How to Inspire a Love of Learning & Academic Confidence in Your Child with Sylvan Learning

This post is in partnership with Sylvan Learning. All experiences and views are completely my own and reflect my genuine feelings and experiences.

When my little sister was in second grade, she started experiencing troubles with her schoolwork. She was falling behind her peers and her class. My mom had no idea what to do. I was her older sister who was bright and always excelled naturally in school. So, my mom turned to Sylvan Learning.

My kids using Sylvan Learning

In the course of less than a year, my sister went from being behind her peers to being at the top of her class with a new-found passion to learn. And the best part…she felt confident. She started raising her hand in class. She volunteered to read in front of the class or assist the teacher.

Just a few months of working with Sylvan’s teachers and my sister’s academic life completely transformed, and the same thing can happen for your child too!

Sylvan’s Learning Success

Sylvan Learning is focused on building academic confidence, igniting intellectual curiosity and inspiring a love for learning — all of which make a big impact in school and in life. 

For over 40 years, Sylvan Learning has helped millions of students achieve new levels of academic success.

This happens because while at Sylvan, you get the best in certified teachers and interactive technology. This ensures your child gets the exact learning that he or she needs, and this leads them to feeling fully engaged in their education.

Sylvan Learning’s teachers not only instruct, but they challenge and inspire your child and give parents like me extra support to help my kids succeed in school.

The Sylvan MethodTM

Through academic research, years of teaching experience and by implementing powerful technology, Sylvan Learning developed the incredible Sylvan MethodTM. Whether your child has fallen behind or is way ahead of the class, Sylvan has a program to challenge your student, build confidence, boost study skills and help deliver better grades.

Helping My with Son Dyslexia

My son Grayson was diagnosed with dyslexia early while he was still in Kindergarten. We knew that we needed to supplement that reading supports he was getting in school from his IEP, but finding a quality tutor that you can trust is hard.

My Son loves Sylvan Learning

That’s when I turned to Sylvan Learning. They give each child a one-on-one assessment to see exactly where they are, and how they can best be supported. It’s great that many Sylvan centers can help kids with learning disabilities.

Tutoring is the thing he looks forward to most in the week. He absolutely loves his tutor and learns so much. But what I’ve noticed the most is his confidence. It’s blown absolutely through the roof!

Even though he is still behind as dyslexics learn to read on a different timetable, he feels confident to speak in front of his class now. He also feels more sure of himself in every aspect of his life, and no longer feels as if something is wrong with him. I can thank Sylvan for that.

Helping my Younger Daughter

My daughter Harper is only mid-way through Kindergarten, but we have been noticing that she needs a little support. I am not a teacher, and I am certainly not always the most patient person. So Sylvan Learning has really helped me by providing resources for me to help her at home and it takes some of the pressure off of me as Harper’s main source of support outside of school.

We were so much happier using Sylvan Learning

Especially right now, when I am homeschooling both kids, I feel so much more confident and supported knowing that I have resources and experiences I gained from Sylvan Learning to pull from.

Sylvan Learning Is A Resource for Both Kids and Parents

Through my experiences at Sylvan Learning, I’ve realized they provide the perfect balance of resources to help both my kids (with academics and confidence) and parents / caregivers by relieving parental guilt while also providing resources to help at home. And as I mentioned before, these resources are really coming in handy while my children’s schools are currently closed!

My family loves Sylvan Learning

Check out Sylvan Learning and find out if they can make a difference in your child’s life and give you tools and resources to be a better parent and homeschool teacher today!

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