February 8, 2017
I Never Knew I Was Such A Perfectionist Until… 10 Ways to Know If You’re Secretly Anal-Retentive

Or to those of you who know you, not so secretly anal-retentive!
- Everything has it’s place. Keys, wallet, purse, shoes, they all go in their place
- You cannot move about your day when things are not in their place
- You sit down at a table at Starbucks, and immediately get up to push in the chair at the other side of the table. Why?
- Dishes do not dwell in the sink.
- You’re exhausted and it’s midnight. But still, you get out of bed to put your bag in it’s place so you don’t throw off your morning routine.
- Your kids are playing and you start cleaning up / organizing.
- On play dates at friend’s houses, you start tidying up.
- You organize your kids toys. Because they play MUCH better when they can see what they have, and they know where each toy goes.
- Reading a grammar mistake or typo makes you stop, ponder, and really want to fix it.
- You press the “edit” button on facebook posts to change any accidental grammar mistakes /typos.
You know who you are…embrace it!! (I mean you have to be a little OCD as a mom to be able to wear Twinning White Dresses, right?)
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