August 12, 2020

Back-to-School Tips to Make Virtual Learning Fun with Post-it Brand

This school year, we’ve committed to exclusively virtual learning at an online academy.  As I explained in a Blog Post a few weeks ago, I think this option will provide the most consistency during this difficult time.  And my kids loved learning at home this past Spring!

I’ve spent these past few weeks preparing and setting up to make virtual learning as fun and engaging as possible for Harper and Grayson. 

And to be honest, for me too! 

Since I love pops of color, I picked up the full line of Post-it Products to use in several aspects of learning at home.

virtual learning

Post-it Note Rainbow Words Foam Board

Harper ended her kindergarten year on her purple rainbow words list. 

We have a few weeks until our virtual learning academy starts here in San Diego, so we are working on mastering more rainbow words before school starts.

I made a Post-it Note Rainbow Words Foam Board to help make memorizing these words more fun and engaging for Harper. I used a classroom wall rainbow hand border at the bottom of the board and spelled out Rainbow Words at the top of the board.

virtual learning

I write each word on a different colored Post-it Note to help make memorizing each word easier.  These little tricks, like using different words for each word, make it easier for kids to recall each word, and Post-it Products make that easy!

And Harper loves pointing at each word.  When she gets a word correct several times in a row, we move it to her mastery list.  We review these words less often, but a few times a day.

Our main focus is the 4-6 words she is currently trying to master.  We do them in rotation for about 5-15 minutes at a time.  I stop when I feel her attention shifting, as I want it to be fun and not something she dreads doing with me.

Harper gets really excited when it’s time to add new words, and she likes to pick out a different color Post-it Note for each new word!

Virtual Learning Post-it Weekly Planner

To keep track of our schedules, we use a the Post-it Weekly Planner.  This way, it’s easy to keep track of everything we have going on during the week.  And each person can easily find out what is going on each day.

I use the Post-it Weekly Planner for the kid’s learning schedules. This way, both Harper and Gray know what to expect each day, and there are no surprises.

I’ve found that the kids like to cross off each activity or assignment on the calendar that they’ve completed on the Post-it Weekly Planner, which is another way to get them engaged in school, despite it being online. This Post-it Weekly Planner makes scheduling easy, fun and colorful, which we love.

virtual learning

I’m Proud of You Post-it Notes

This year I picked out the cutest Post-it Rainbow & Post-it Emoji Notes.  The kids absolutely LOVE THEM! I use these Post-it Notes to write cute messages to Harper and Grayson each day.

For instance, I might tell Grayson I’m proud of him for working hard to write neatly.  Or I’m impressed by his focus on his writing.

Since Harper can’t read well yet, I write short words I know she can understand and draw pictures for her.  This is my favorite way to use Post-it Notes to boost each kid’s confidence.  

Harper and Gray save these Post-it Notes and love to share them with my husband, my mom and their friends.

Using Post-it Notes to Keep Organized

I also use these colorful Post-it Notes throughout the day to write reminders for each kid, write down assignments and help the kids with their schoolwork.

I prefer using Post-it Notes over a full sheet of paper as they are more fun and creative, and the kids enjoy being able to move each Post-it Note around. Plus, who doesn’t love bright pops of color throughout the day?

Get Back to School Ready with Post-it Brand

I hope I gave you some ideas about creative ways to use Post-it Products to help your kids learn this school year.  Whether you are homeschooling, doing online school, hybrid school or in-person school, Post-it Products are a fun, engaging and helpful way to help your kids learn and keep your family organized.

virtual learning

Pick them up when you’re back to school shopping and tell me in a comment, which Post-it Products are your favorite!

This post is sponsored by Post-it Brand however all ideas and photos are my own.

One response to “Back-to-School Tips to Make Virtual Learning Fun with Post-it Brand”

  1. […] that don’t.  I’m guessing you can tell which camp I fall into since I love color! Back to school shopping is always so fun for me because of all the possibilities that new supplies […]